惠普平板難賣 BestBuy不滿
惠普平板採用自家webOS作業系統,其中9.7吋TouchPad 16G在美國售價499.99美元,32GB售價599.99美元,卻屢次傳出降價消息,AllThingsD指出,開始銷售時通路就祭出50美元的折扣,之後在Costco大賣場更打出100美元折扣,現在降價100美元已成常態。

為了避免退貨事件的發生,惠普一名高管計劃飛往明尼蘇達州 BESTBUY 總部安撫這家零售巨頭。
據悉 BESTBUY 已經接到了惠普27萬台TouchPad,但是現在只賣出了2.5萬台或者少於其存貨的10%。
BESTBUY 不希望這些未出售的存貨占據貨架空間,並要求惠普將這些平板電腦收回。為此,惠普全球執行副總裁托德‧布拉德利(Todd Bradley)或另一名高管計劃飛往明尼蘇達州嘗試並說服 BESTBUY 不要做出這樣的舉動。
不僅是 BESTBUY ,沃爾瑪、Fry's和其他零售店也曝出TouchPad銷量較差,惠普的降價策略可能起到了相反效果,這使得更多消費者等待進一步降價。
要想對抗 Google -摩托羅拉流動、微軟- Nokia 聯盟,惠普唯一的希望就是將其WebOS系統授權給其他陷入困境的手機製造商。(曉明)
Best Buy Seeing HP TouchPad Sell-Through Rate of Under 10%
According to one source who’s seen internal HP reports, Best Buy has taken delivery of 270,000 TouchPads and has so far managed to sell only 25,000, or less than 10 percent of the units in its inventory.
A second person who has seen Best Buy’s TouchPad sales figures confirmed the results as “consistent with what I’ve seen,” and went so far as to say that 25,000 sold might be “charitable.” This source suggested that the 25,000-unit sales number may not account for units that consumers return to stores for a refund.
Best Buy is said to be so unhappy with the lack of momentum on TouchPad sales that it has asked HP to take many of the unsold units back, but HP is reportedly "pleading" with Best Buy to remain patient. HP recently slashed $100 off of the price of the TouchPad in attempt to spur sales and is hoping that the move will turn things around, dropping pricing on the entry-level 16 GB model to $399.99. HP's price cut may not be having the desired effect, however, as reports coming in from retailers suggest that consumers are continuing to hold off in hopes that prices drop even further.
For its part, Apple has repeatedly noted that it is selling nearly every iPad it can make, pushing out over 9 million iPads last quarter alone. It was only earlier this month that Apple's online stores dropped their shipping estimates on new iPad 2 orders to "within 24 hours", indicating that Apple has finally caught up with demand five months after launch.