
最早時候Microchip 在MCU 應用市場裡,曾經有個很有名的專利:

就是 8 bits MCU 用8 pin 封裝的單體。所以以前大家搞8 bits MCU 就只好

做成 10 pin 啊或是 14 pins 等等...用以迴避此一專利。

因為在有些MCU 應用市場裡,8 pin 包裝夠用,而且他的包裝費用也比較低,

在斤斤計較的8 bits MCU 應用市場裡,他具有一定的競爭優勢。

所以,當初8 pins 包裝的 MCU 的確造成市場許多驚豔。也間接造就了此一應用市場



我們大概想 32 bits ARM MCU 需要這麼玩嗎?結果,我們果然看到了新版的

ARM Cortex-M0+  果然也出了 8 pin 包裝了,只是這一次他們有沒有申請專利?


搞MCU 應用市場,他們講求的是:相關系列產品的完整性。以提供應用市場的

各個階層的使用條件...這對於推廣MCU 這樣子的產品線是絕對有其優勢的。

更何況以目前 32 bits ARM 的開發使用環境,大家都應該很熟悉了。那就更不用說


但若以產品推廣的角度來看:這樣子的 32 bits ARM 肯定是比其他 32 bits ARM

來得便宜的...至少他的封裝費用真的比較低。因為 8 pin 封裝費幾乎是IC 封裝裡


另外一點也可以推論價格的是:他這一系列沒有支援 A/D 。只有簡單的比較器功能。

因為ADC在IC 空間上算是 Fully layout的,所以省掉ADC 對於節省IC 面積也有一定的助益。


對於8 pin MCU 的系統使用上,最大的系統應用困擾應該就是 I/O 的功能選用問題。

因為I/O 腳少,每一隻 I/O 腳的功能設定就顯得彌足珍貴,這也往往會造成 8 pin MCU

選用使用上的最大考量,不過,NXP 所發表的這一產品有了特殊的I/O 規劃功能:

Switch Matrix Configuration 。可以讓您在I/O 功能上的選定可以輕鬆依據您的

系統應用功能來選定 這些 I/O 腳的硬體功能,這一點就跟 Silicon Labs MCU 系列產品

中的Crossbar 功能類似,這一點真的對於我們在系統應用規劃上,真的蠻方便的。


目前他這一版的 Flash ROM 是 4KB/8KB/16KB...這一次他們也學聰明了,每一個

Flash Page Size 壓到 64 Bytes  為一個Page ,這樣子也可以增加Flash 在系統應用上的

使用彈性:譬如您要拿這個Flash 當 EEPROM 用,就變得很簡單方便了。


加分的主要因素。--- 當然我也就可以看到新一代 32 bits ARM 的企圖心。

還記得之前我有提過 NXP 已經把他們標準8 bit 8051 MCU 給賣了。應該說:

他們本身純粹只是提供 8/16 bits MCU 的IP 智權,沒有做IC 實體生意了啦。

現在來專心維護單一 32 bits ARM 系列產品來說:他們的開發系統工具或相關的系列




昨天一大早出差開車時,有聽到寰宇廣播訪問GE 台灣首席CEO 的內容:

他提到 GE 是成立於清光緒五年,至今已經是超過135年了...再以台灣一般公司的


勞保退休金還蠻難的喔!) 。GE 也是當初美國成立紐約股市十二支成分股裡,



公司,就需要不斷的求新求變...一樣的道理,曾經是以8 bits 8051 MCU為主的NXP ,


想一想那我們台灣公司為什麼平均的壽命只有  15 年?!那是不是我們在這一方面的








NXP LPC800 Cortex-M0+ 32-Bit MCUs and LPC800-Xpresso Board


NXP LPC800 ARM Cortex™-M0+ 32-bit microcontrollers (MCUs) are available in low pin-count packages and offer easy-to-use peripherals addressing 8-bit application requirements while providing the 32-bit capabilities and exceptional power efficiency of the ARM® Cortex-M0 processor. Based on an ultra-low-power 30-MHz ARM Cortex-M0+ processor, LPC800 is fully compatible with the Cortex-M architecture and instruction set and offers superior code density to 8- / 16-bit architectures. The Cortex-M0+ features a two-stage pipeline that reduces power consumption while improving performance. LPC800 MCUs also take advantage of the Cortex-M0+ peripheral bus, allowing single-cycle access to the GPIOs. These features enable NXP LPC800 devices to offer deterministic, real-time performance – a key requirement for 8-bit developers. 

LPC800 includes game-changing features, such as a switch matrix that enables designers to assign on-chip peripherals to any pin with a single line of code or a single click in the configuration tool. LPC800 serial peripherals are designed to be as lean as possible, making them more responsive and efficient. The new SPI can operate as a slave at frequencies independent of the processor clock, solving the common frustration of having to over-sample 4-to-n times the SPI just to receive data. This decoupling of the SPI and processor clock speed reduces power and simplifies the system design. The I²C has also been re-engineered to allow the LPC800 to lie and wait at near-zero power consumption, even without a system clock, and wake up upon an address match.

NXP LPC800 Features


  • 16 kB on-chip flash programming memory.
  • 4 kB SRAM.
  • In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP) via on-chip boot loader software.
Boot ROM API support:

  • UART drivers
  • I²C drivers
  • Power profiles
Digital peripherals

  • High-speed GPIO interface connected to the ARM Cortex-M0+ IO bus with up to 18 General Purpose I/O (GPIO) pins with configurable pull-up/pull-down resistors.
  • Pin interrupt generation capability with boolean pattern-matching feature on up to Eight selectable GPIO inputs.
  • Switch matrix for flexible configuration of each I/O pin function.
  • State Configurable Timer (SCT) with input and output functions (including capture and match) assigned to pins through the switch matrix.
  • Multiple-channel multi-rate timer for repetitive interrupt generation at up to four programmable, fixed rates.
  • Wake-up timer for self-timed wake-up from reduced power modes.
  • CRC engine.
  • Windowed Watchdog timer
Analog peripherals

  • Comparator with external voltage reference with pin functions assigned through the switch matrix.
  • Internal reference voltage.

Serial interfaces

  • Three UART interfaces with pin functions assigned through the switch matrix.
  • Two SPI controllers with pin functions assigned through the switch matrix.
  • – One I²C-bus interface with open-drain full I²C spec fast Modeplus.
Clock generation

  • 12 MHz internal RC oscillator trimmed to 1% accuracy that can optionally be used as a system clock.
  • Crystal oscillator with an operating range of 1 MHz to 25 MHz.
  • Programmable watchdog oscillator with a frequency range of 9.4 kHz to 2.3 MHz.
  • PLL allows CPU operation up to the maximum CPU rate without the need for a high-frequency crystal. May be run from the external clock input (CLKIN), the system oscillator, or the internal RC oscillator.
Power control

  • Integrated PMU (Power Management Unit) to minimize power consumption.
  • Reduced power modes (Sleep, deep-sleep, power-down, deep power-down).
  • Power-On Reset (POR).
  • Brownout detect.

  • Available as SO20 package, TSSOP20 package, TSSOP16, and DIP8 package.

Block Diagram

    創作者 賈老師的真老公 的頭像

    ChamberPlus System Level Studio

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