以下是我從Mail 信箱內所收到的一篇報導,是Atmel CEO 提到的MCU 時代觀點。
當然人家講的MCU 已經不是我們傳統那一種 8 bit MCU ,還要從程式第一行
慢慢的寫起...。MCU 的市場當然還是會持續成長,但他們會以不同的面貌呈現。
以下我有Highlight 一些簡單的重點:如何快速的整合系統與目前主流的
Smartphone 或平版電腦...甚至一些應用平台相結合,將是這項成長的最大因素。
當然,他們的關鍵技術就是在於MCU 本身所能提供最佳化與快速的發展平台。
就不要老是用以前那些傳統的8 bit MCU 要來寫簡單的I/O 或邏輯控制...
這一種8 bit MCU 不是人家所講的the age of the microcontroller 的主角...
台灣一大堆搞 8 bit MCU 廠就不要套用這一篇報導來自我安慰自己。
(其實,這些傳統的I/O 與邏輯控制所需要的MCU 應該整個市場趨勢已經底定了,
反正,這些簡單型的I/O 或邏輯控制的MCU...應該也不會創造出太驚豔的應用產品吧!)
您說真的會有老闆支持我們"十年磨一劍" ,可能嗎?!十年前有 Android ?! 有平版?
如果我們十年來不斷的學習成長學會了"單晶片程式訓練" 或USB ...那這樣子的
"十年磨一劍" 有用嗎?!我們在科技業裡到處做的東西大部分都事時下很夯,
很流行的東西...您說:您怎麼"十年磨一劍" ?!
出十年一把好劍的~絕對是在這寫程式或會用單晶片MCU 背後的那一個系統應用產品的
才發現:原來自己這麼多年來,還真的有點入錯行了。 ---- 因為今天我去了一家機械廠,
還可以利用這一劍繼續工作,--- 老而彌堅...您有想過:您學單晶片MCU 或寫
Andriod 可以老而彌堅嗎?!您在科技業裡可以"老而彌堅"嗎?!...
Atmel CEO sees this as the age of the microcontroller
Steve Laub
Steve Laub CEO of Atmel believes that given the increasing proliferation of smart devices throughout the world and the role microcontrollers play in it the company’s day has come.
If you subscribe to the idea of intelligent devices communicating to each other, in which there are more internet-enabled devices on this planet than there are people, you understand that microcontrollers of various flavors are enabling and powering these connected devices.
MCUs are literally everywhere, and in increasing numbers. For instance, in the course of our daily lives each of us comes into contact with about 150 microcontrollers on average each day, roughly five times more than just a dozen years ago.
Atmel has a long heritage in MCUs, and they now are at the heart of our business strategy. But the silicon itself is merely a part of the equation.
Designers today require far more than just chips. They demand the ability to connect to a vast array of peripherals that provide for easy integration of MCUs into everything from smartphones and tablets to cars and home appliances.
At the same time, designers are under intense pressure and time constraints. They are being asked to deliver highly innovative designs for demanding customers who in turn are creating highly differentiated end products for their customers in record time.
Consequently, embedded designers need new software platforms and tools that make their jobs easier, optimize their skills, and dramatically reduce design times.
Optimizing the design cycle and accelerating time to market of new end products is no easy task. But, we see it as the paramount challenge of our industry, and it is a major focus for us for the coming year and beyond.
With that in mind, at Electronica, we are announcing Atmel Gallery, a suite of new capabilities and functionality that extends Atmel Studio 6 and makes it the industry’s first complete Integrated Design Platform (IDP), evolving it beyond the traditional development environment. We are now the first company to bring the convenience of an ‘app store’ and the collaborative aspects of the cloud to embedded design.
And this is just the start. Over the coming year, we will continue to extend the range of tools and capabilities available through Atmel Gallery and Studio 6. Our ecosystem of third-party software providers will continue to grow, as will our support of openly collaborative cloud-based design practices that we feel will foster shared learning among designers and speed the completion of design projects.
This effort will benefit all embedded designers, regardless of what Atmel products they are using, whether our Atmel AVR or ARM Cortex-M4 and M3 microcontrollers, or technologies involved such as our new SensorHub management, ZigBee wireless, capacitive touch, or ultra-low power ‘picoPower’ solutions.
So, for the next year, watch as we focus on further optimizing the embedded design process and deliver MCU-based solutions that enable the creation of an entirely new generation of end customer products encompassing virtually everything we touch, hear, see and say.