我是覺得這不應該把他們視為手機,他們應該是像iphone ...然後放大一點就是Notebook 了。
所以,對於Notebook 應該還是會造成市場衝擊的...至少以高科技公司的能量來說:
勢必都會瓜分研發資源的。對於原本已經成熟了無新意的NoteBook 來說,真的是警訊。
如果您還年輕的話,我是覺得您是可以早一點佈局啊,倒不一定說:我們以前搞那些什麼IC 設計,
或是做什麼硬體設計開發等...乃至於那個什麼MP3 多媒體啊等等好像很好賺似的!
世界潮流與趨勢在改變了,如果您還是在Follow 我們那時代的做方案~然後跑大陸,
市場也的確需要注入新血,要不然,您說:微軟那個Office 2000 跟後來的什麼一大堆Office XP。
對於一般的民眾來說:不就是打打報告的Word ...試算表的Excel ...Powerpoint...
相信對於一些新舊版本之間的差異,我相信90% 以上的人來說...是不知道的啦。
PS :如果您對一些技術議題有興趣的話,您可以從英文網站點選其他連結資訊,
他也有提供許多技術數據...這十款手機,幾乎全都是採用高通(qualcomm)CPU 方案。
WP 7新手機聯隊HTC領軍 機海戰iPhone、Android家族
在蘋果iPhone與Android手機家族機戰難分難解之際,微軟養兵多時的Windows Phone 7最新作業系統的手機也祭出機海動員令,11日在紐約一次發表十款採新手機,9款很快就在秋季於歐美上市,而其中有五款是台灣宏達電(HTC)支援,被認為是微軟Zune音樂播放機的加強版。
微軟這次下達的動員令召集包括HTC、Dell(戴爾)、三星和LG,其中HTC有五款,三星與LG各有兩款,Dell雖然只有一款Venue Pro直立式滑蓋觸控附實體鍵盤手機,但受到愛機族肯定,不過今年將只先在美國上市。
宏達電(HTC)這次可說是組成一支籃球隊手機,推出「HTC 7 Mozart」、「HTC 7 Trophy」、「HTC 7 Pro」、已曝光過的旗艦機「HTC HD7」和打算爭取WP7手機新的多媒體旗艦機王「7 Surround」。
「7 Surround」最酷炫的是採用滑蓋設計,但側滑出的不是鍵盤,而是一對喇叭,腳架加上支援Dolby Mobile與SRS WOW HD音響效果,提供如臨現場般高品質環繞音效。
五款手機將於10月下旬在歐洲、亞太和北美市場陸續開賣,亞太以HTC HD7、HTC 7 Mozart、HTC 7 Trophy三款新機為主,中文版可望在明年下半年推出。
Windows Phone 7支援以最快速簡單的方式開啟個人最新、最重要的資訊,包括連絡人、相片、遊戲、音樂、影片、Office與Marketplace等;並內建微軟Xbox LIVE、Windows Live、Bing與Zune服務。HTC執行長暨總經理周永明表示,從Microsoft廣受歡迎的Xbox LIVE與Zune等服務,HTC看到了龐大的商機,將以五款全新的Windows Phone 7智慧型手機,滿足消費者多樣化的需求。
WP7 微軟砸1億行銷
Windows Phone 7 launch guide
Windows Phone 7. We came, we saw, we took lots and lots of photos. Today, Microsoft unleashed its global domination plans on the world, and we wanted to give readers some insight into what happens now, what happens next, and what the more distant future holds for Redmond's smartphone play. As we saw today, the WP7 push is going to happen in multiple countries (more than 30), on multiple carriers (more than 60), and involve lots and lots of hardware. Ten devices to start -- all announced today -- and a slew of others likely to follow.
Overall, the first approach of Windows Phone 7 into the marketplace looks strong. Microsoft has built a surprisingly solid new OS (which we previewed in-depth back in July), has a strong set of carrier relationships in place, and is introducing hardware that if not revolutionary, is certainly competitive. So, where are the holes in the plan right now?
First up, while carrier partnerships are solid, they won't be complete (at least in the US) until early next year, when CDMA providers Verizon and Sprint come onboard. Until then, a huge portion of the market will be left out in the cold, opening lots of potential for Droids and BlackBerrys to get into the hands of buyers and upgraders. Add to that scenario the suddenly impending threat of a Verizon iPhone, and you've got a significant blockade for WP7. Still, Microsoft is going to push hard on the marketing front, and since the company's ads seem to have something of real value to say, it should be enough to convince more than a few people to take a glance at these phones.
On the platform side, Windows Phone 7 has yet to really prove itself to a large audience. Some of the software we saw today was very promising, but we also noticed issues with considerable load times (some apps took over a minute to start up, The Harvest took around three). There was also a pretty clear lack of integration where you would expect it. Twitter, for instance, has no integration into the company's much-touted People Hub, though Facebook gets top billing and sympatico behavior throughout the OS. Furthermore, Microsoft introduced a troubling distribution concept in the form of the AT&T / Ilomilo deal. The game will only be available on a single carrier through the holidays, making purchases on other providers less attractive, and paving the way for fragmentation in software availability for the platform based not on device compatibility, but on carrier whim. It's a dangerous play that we hope Microsoft avoids making after these initial offerings. Differentiation which hurts your overall user base isn't attractive.
On the plus side, the company announced a near-future update which will add copy and paste functionality to the platform (for text at least). Microsoft still has to answer questions about multitasking, and partners like Pandora were conspicuously absent from today's proceedings -- likely due to Windows Phone 7's inability to allow backgrounding. When we pressed Joe Belfiore on when or if the functionality was coming, he didn't have much to say, but we have to believe it's in the cards.
And then, finally, there are the devices themselves. While much of what we saw today was solid hardware, it also all felt very samey -- status quo, if you will. If you go by specs alone, the Windows Phone 7 family is slightly behind the edge that Android and Apple's offerings are riding, and as far as differentiation is concerned, only a few handsets really stand out; most notably the Dell Venue Pro, and HTC's HD7 and Surround. We're not saying that what we handled was necessarily bad, but we think there's still a lot of room for innovation in this space.
All in all, however, Microsoft is most assuredly back in the smartphone game. Windows Phone 7 is a smart, easy to use, and legitimately original OS, and the folks in Redmond seem to have the partnerships and marketing in place to make an impact in a crowded field. It will be interesting to see the company reemerge in this race, and you can be sure we'll be there every step of the way.